
I am in year 12 and am beginning to think about where i want to go to university and what i want to study there. I am completely stuck between two subjects, Biology or a biology related degree or History.

I always used to think that i wanted to do history as a degree but then I found out that they recommend English Literature as it can help you get on the course, but i hate english lit, therefore, this put me right off doing a history degree and also when i read about the course and the modules they didn’t really sound that interesting to me so i decided to try and find something else to study at degree level.

I decided to look into the different types of biology degree and found that they sounded really interesting to me, yet i don’t think that i will ever really go into anything that requires a biology degree. I have looked up the best unis for bio and was planning on going to them when i was revising for my mocks and found that i was finding biology interesting but hard and i didn’t really have to try too hard with history and i really quite like to write essays for history, this was when my mum said that she thought i should look into a history degree as it was my favourite subject and i do quite well in it.

I looked into the best unis for history and when i was looking at the degrees they still don’t sound that interesting. i really enjoy learning about medieval history e.g. kings and queens. i just love it.

Anyway, sorry for all the waffling, my main issue is do it choose to do the subject which i enjoy the most (at the moment), history, and can do quite well in without having to try too hard, or do i do the one where the degree sounds more interesting but i know that i will struggle more with and have to work a lot harder to be able to achieve a good grade?

This is really bugging me as my favourite subject at the beginning of the year was biology but now it is definitely history. i feel that they changed as i didn’t really like anyone in my history class and i was being taught by 2 new teachers and so i had to adjust, whilst with biology i was with all my friends and was being taught by a teacher i’d had since year 8.

Life is too short


OK, so today i found out that one of my old friends, mum just died and she was only in her late 40’s. it was such a shock, yes she was a very heavy smoker but, i didn’t know that she was ill or anything like that.

We used to be friends when we were in year 8 and the beginning of year 9.  we now sit next to each other in form as our form tutor sat us there. we don’t really speak much but i feel awful for her and have no idea how to deal with this. It is really emotional as it just shows how short life is and how we should never take anything for granted, because at any moment someone or something really important to us could be taken away without any warning.

i found as loads of her friends had posted on snapchat saying R.I.P. e.c.t.  and when i saw it i wasn’t sure who exactly she was and then she came into my head and i though, no way can this be true, but i saw definite confirmation on one of my friends story’s, then i just sat there kind of in shock for a few moments before getting up and going to tell my mum, she immediately burst into tears as i think she knew her when they were younger and it showed her just how quickly life can end, when i saw my mum crying i started to feel really emotional, i never cry at anything, but a few tars did spill out of my eyes.

I just can’t imagine, and i don’t want to imagine, how she must be feeling. i know that her parents are divorced so i guess she’ll go and live with her dad, which will be really hard for her.

I just hope that she’s OK.

Any advice?

S xx

P.S. I promise that not all of my posts will be this deep.

Mental Health

mental health thumbnail

Hi lovelies,
Hope you are all well, this is my first ever blog, I have always really wanted to write a blog though.
I have so much coming up, mocks in December, parents evening and am viewing loads of sixth forms and am out a lot now days.

Anyway, I feel that it is so ridiculous how much pressure school puts on us to do well, because nobody responds well to pressure, it can lead to so many negative thing such as mental illness, which is such a serious thing, yet there is such a lack of education on it. my school decided to put on a play about mental health and show us year 11’s and i was finding it so interesting because at the very beginning, I could totally relate to one of main characters, and if they could get a mental illness so could I, so could anyone! they gave one statistic that was really shocking, 1 in 10 people are affected by mental illness!
I was then so surprised as people started to run out of the hall crying because they were so affected by mental illness. It was so shocking to see how many people suffer with this and really showed how important an education in mental illness is.
However, the thing that surprised me the most was that one of my close friends ran out and asked me to go with her, she then revealed to me that she was a sufferer and had self harmed .
She was a very together person and you never would have expected this kind of thing from her, she has not had the best home life so that has contributed to it, but I was taken by surprise.  I mean this is not because of pressure from school, but I know that there are a lot of people out there who develop a mental illness due to pressure from parents and schools, and I think that schools should go back on the pressure a bit and give a much better education about mental health, as it could either prevent a mental illness, or could help people learn how to deal with or help people with mental health.
I am now one of the only people that know. I have told a teacher to help her and she know and is fine with that.

I am worried about her, but at the same time. know that she is fine now.

If anyone has anything to say about this, has been through a similar experience or wants to talk to me about mental health please feel free or leave a comment.